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Consumers have a prominent role in the ANZBACK CRE and are at the heart of all of the ANZBACK research. We encourage researchers to seek consumer feedback at all stages of running trials. The ANZBACK Consumer Advisory Group (CAG) is available to researchers planning, developing and running trials relevant to the management of low back pain. Our CAG has already supported the development of several new trials and provided feedback to help researchers who have on-going studies. The group is made up of consumers who have a variety of professional backgrounds and who have different experiences of the healthcare system giving them a breadth of experiences they can use to help guide researchers.


The group meets online on the 2nd Thursday of every month and we are always keen to get new consumers on the CAG and so would love to hear from any consumers interested in joining the group. We also want to hear from any researchers interested in presenting to the ANZBACK CAG.


Contact us at for more information.

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Kerry is a Consumer and Community Involvement Coordinator at the Western Australian Health Translation Network’s Consumer and Community Involvement Program; she joined the team in 2019 bringing with her over 15 years of consumer involvement experience. Kerry’s has a 50-year history of living with chronic Rheumatoid Arthritis, the first half of this journey was without peer support, since finding supports with Arthritis and Osteoporosis WA over 27 years ago she has become a staunch advocate for consumer involvement in both health and medical services and research. During the time with Arthritis & Osteoporosis WA Kerry has become a Support Group facilitator, a Loric Self-Management Facilitator, has been a peer leader for 25 years with their annual Kids Arthritis Camp (Camp Freedom) and has been the Camp Freedom Coordinator for the past 10 years. Kerry has and is also a representative on various Consumer Advisory Groups and Panels: •Musculoskeletal Health Network for WA health •Fiona Stanley Fremantle Hospital Group WA oConsumer Advisory Committee 2013 to 2019 – the last 4 years as chair. •Arthritis Australia – Consumer Advisory Panel •Arthritis Australia – Grant Review Panel •ANZMUSC – Australia New Zealand Clinical Trials Alliance – CAG •ANZBACK – Lower Back Pain CRE – CAG – Chair •ANZBACK – Executive Committee •CMMIT – Centre for Molecular Medicine and Innovative Technology – CAG •Camp Freedom - CAG

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